Welcome to Missio.

Missio Dei Communities is network of diverse missional communities who are each being formed by God, together, for the sake of others. Each of our communities are unique in their expression of the kingdom of God, but unified in intention to declare and demonstrate the good news of Jesus and His kingdom.

Are you interested in joining with us or want to hear more? We’d love to talk.


Formed by God.

We are all formed by some story. We believe that the Bible is the true story of the world. This true story tells us God’s intentions and purposes for the world, and for the flourishing of our lives as well.  We intentionally arrange our lives with rhythms that grow and nourish our experience of God’s love for us and follow his Spirit in rhythms of shared learning, worship, prayer, rest, and disciple making.


We share our lives together, enjoying and growing through our new and old friendships. We are actively growing in our love of one another by sharing everyday life with gospel intentionality.  We believe the church is an extended spiritual family so we share meals, help one another with needs, relax, serve, mourn, celebrate, and use our gifts together.

For the Sake of others.

We love our neighbors, our cities and the world.  We believe God’s family exists not only for our own transformation, but so that we would be a blessing to others. We actively participate in God’s ongoing work in the world by declaring and demonstrating the good news of Jesus and his kingdom where we live, work, and play. We believe all disciples of Jesus have been sent to make disciples!

Our Missio Communities gather in both the East and West Valley.

We meet in Metro PHX.

We meet in Downtown Mesa

Following Jesus and Leading Others to do the Same.



We are an extended Family. God, the perfect Father, has adopted us as daughters and sons. Rather than a random collection of individuals, we live in loving relationships as brothers and sisters. We gather regularly to eat, celebrate, share life, and rest.


We are Disciples of Jesus. We are humbly committed to continually learning how to live as a faithful witness to the gospel in every part of our lives and leading others to do the same. This work is not reserved for a few, but is the commission of the entire church community.


We are Servants. Jesus has authority over all the earth AND He purposefully aligned his life for the sake of others. Because Jesus was willing to serve us to the point of death, we are committed to serving each other, our cities, and our world by blessing people in word, deed, and gifts.


We are Ambassadors. Jesus sent His Spirit to enable His Church to be people of blessing representing his kingdom to the world. We actively pursue and take opportunities to bless our cities with the good news (aka gospel) that our world belongs to God and He is making all things new.


“We will equip you to be disciples and to make disciples.

We do this through our MC’s, Sunday Equipping Liturgies, and in regular everyday life.”