A Forever King (I Sam 16)

Much like the appetizer, David was giving Israel a taste of what was to come in Jesus, the main act of the meal. A good appetizer will excite you for what’s to come, it will give you a taste of what is to come, but it cannot fill you up fully. That’s the main course's job. To fill us. 

You see David is extremely important in this story. In fact it’s hard to find another character in the Bible as important as David, besides Jesus. He’s instrumental in the story of God moving in his people. 

But this story is about a King coming who would do what David could not - Finally make things right.

Father Abraham.... (Genesis 12)

Genesis 12 teaches us about God’s resounding answer to the questions posed in Genesis 3-11. But how do we take up our role to faithfully live as a blessing to others?

Listen. Trust. Follow. Three words that we hope stick with you from this teaching on Genesis 12. We weren’t able to capture the teaching in AZ, but thankfully preached the same text with a different twist a few weeks later at Great Bay Gospel Fellowship. Enjoy,

Creation: The Story Begins

Creation: The Story Begins

When we have a bigger and better view of God through his story we will be a community who better reflects his character in the everyday moments of life. That means that this is the story that needs to orient you at your job, at your school…

Not just a life of memorizing facts, but of being mesmerized at the good God who created a good world.

Abiding. Resilient. Hopeful.

This year we are setting out to be a faithful gospel presence in Mesa by living as: An abiding presence. A resilient presence. A hopeful presence. And prayerfully depending on the Spirit to glorify God through our joyful apprenticeship to Jesus. Join us by praying or partnering in one of our MC's! Jesus continues to stir up life in our city and we are grateful to be a part of his mission here. www.missiomesa.com