
On to Nineveh

On to Nineveh

Jonah seemed to repent in chapter two. But is it possible to repent of your repentance? Don’t you and I do that all the time? Have you ever been sorry for your sin only to find yourself doing it again?

In chapter 3, God tells Jonah once again to go to Nineveh. This time he actually does, but it seems like he does the bare minimum required for the job. He barely goes into the city and preaches the only part of God’s message he likes - the part about Nineveh’s destruction. Yet, somehow God still uses Jonah’s actions and brings rescue to the great city of Nineveh. They humble themselves before God and recognize His power over them, and in His graciousness, He saves them.

The Belly of the Beast

The Belly of the Beast

Vomit. Giant sea creatures. Repentance. This tale has it all.

What seemed like certain death was actually God's saving grace when Jonah was swallowed up by the big fish. 3 days and 3 nights in the dark belly of the beast, Jonah had time to reflect and turn from his foolishness (even if temporarily). Then, at that moment God breathed new life into Jonah - or in this case, vomited new life.

Thankfully a better prophet came into the world who also descended into the dark belly of the beast of death on our behalf... but not because he was running from God, but because he was obedient to Him. Then on the third day he rose again (not from vomit this time). Now we can have new life breathed into the dark belly of the beast of our sin.

A Boat to Tarshish

A Boat to Tarshish

The book of Jonah has often been relegated to a children's story about a whale. But Jonah's story is the story of Israel. It's the story of God's people. It's the story of you and I... and more importantly, it's the story of the God who relentlessly pursues His people.

Why do we run from this God? You and I do it too, not just Jonah. What is your boat to Tarshish? Why do we look to so many other false hopes in the midst of the storm of our life? God is the only one who can calm the storm, as He enters into the storm on our behalf.