…for they will be shown mercy.
In a culture that promotes getting even and getting ahead, Jesus casts a vision for the countercultural way of the Kingdom where people show mercy to one another. Mercy has multiple layers. It includes forgiveness when someone has wronged you, not using your power over someone else when you could harm them, and simply showing compassion on someone in a place of need. What might it look like for followers of Jesus to show mercy in the midst of a ruthless world?
One of the fears we have in showing mercy is that we will appear weak and get walked all over. Of course, we must remember that Jesus has shown us mercy first by seeing our need and having compassion, forgiving us of our rebellion, then using his power not to destroy us but to rescue. In fact, it seems as if he gives up his power and becomes weak as he is killed on the cross, but that is precisely how he displays his power as he chooses to forgive at great cost, then overcomes death and the grave through resurrection! Mercy is not weakness… it is just the opposite.
“Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.”
Take some time to read this verse a few times over. Then, listen to the audio below for a short 6 minute message. Finally, use the questions at the end to reflect on this verse.
What are the different aspects of mercy?
Think of a time when someone else showed you mercy. What did you experience?
How has God shown you mercy? Do you really believe He has?
Who in your life does Jesus want you to show mercy to? Why is it so difficult? Pray for the Spirit to give you the strength to be merciful.
More Scripture
My sons and I made a video years ago retelling the parable of the unmerciful servant in Matthew 18, which was referenced in today’s reflection. You can watch it here: