Blessed are those who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness

…for they will be filled.

Ever been really hungry or thirsty? It’s not a great feeling, is it? But that moment when you finally take a bite or get a sip of water is incredible. What would it be like if we had a constant supply so that we were never hungry or thirsty again?

Jesus is, of course, offering this to us for a much greater need than our physical hunger and thirst. He offers to fill our righteousness - and to make the whole world right. Is that something we truly hunger for though? Is that really what we are after? What is righteousness anyway and how does Jesus satisfy it for us? Our need for righteousness goes deeper than we realize. In fact, every desire and longing we have is pointing us to our deeper hunger and thirst for both us and the world to be made right before God. Take the time to examine those desire today as you read, listen, and reflect.


Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled.
— Jesus, from Matthew 5:6

Take some time to read this verse a few times over. Then, listen to the audio below for a short 6 minute message. Finally, use the questions at the end to reflect on this verse.



  • What does it mean to be righteous? Is this something you can attain through your own efforts?

  • What are some of the desires you currently have? What are some of the unwanted desires you often find within you?

  • Take some time to examine those desires. Ask the question: What is the deeper longing this desire is pointing me to?

  • Allow that desire to expose your need for Jesus to make you and all things right. Pray for the kingdom to come and the Father’s will be done on earth and in your heart.