
Feel Is A Four Letter Word

Feel Is A Four Letter Word

Four letter words. Edward Scissorhands. Therapists. We have all of that and more in this episode kicking off season 2.

In this season, we take a closer look at our mental health. How is it affected during a pandemic, why is it important to be aware of our mental health, why is it such a stigma to talk about, and how can we take better care of it. In this intro episode to season 2, we are joined by guest and family therapist, Crystal Krueger.

Episode 6 - Stay Home or Start Up

Episode 6 - Stay Home or Start Up

For Phoenix, AZ we’re beginning to ask the question: do we continue to stay home or is it time to start back up? This question is already starting to cause division and, for some reason, that division seems to be built around political agendas. How can followers of Christ hold onto a unity in the Spirit for the sake of our city, even when we come to diverse decisions in how to respond to this issue?

Episode 2 - Gratitude and Groaning

Episode 2 - Gratitude and Groaning

In this pandemic, a global scarcity mentality set in quickly. How can followers of Jesus not give into a scarcity mindset, but rather display trust in the God of abundance and share it with others?

God’s people are blessed to be a blessing.
His goodness in our lives brings us to gratitude, which should then cause groaning for those experiencing brokenness, leading us to give of ourselves to them, bringing glory to God who gave to us.