When an Angel put you in timeout: A Sermon from Luke

Even more than the passive comments from others is the incessant inner voice that tells her she is not enough. Can you see yourself in this story?

Is it because of the life you used to live, the failures of this week, the echoes of parents and friends who told you you were lacking, not quite enough. And you never would be. Hear the voice of the Spirit affirming the promises proven true in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus- you may not enough on your own, But you are loved.  

The gospel is not that you need to clean yourself up, get rid of your disgrace, and then God will bless you.  But that in your messiness, Jesus himself has taken on your disgrace to give you new life. Jesus is more than enough and he speaks a better word over you.  He didn’t just come for the lonely, lost, left out, and hurting- he came especially for the lonely lost, leg out and hurting. He has taken away your reproach and renewed your calling in God’s world.  Find hope, the Lord has remembered. Find purpose, he has given you a role in his story. Find some time, Prepare your heart for the return of the king.