Jesus is a Returning King. (A Sermon from 1 Thessalonians)

Use these words to anchor and continue anticipating the family of God as they live out their role in the story of God. Use this reality as your guideline when the waves of suffering, disappointment, and disillusionment hit you. Even when the monster death comes at you, these words will give hope.  

The Christian Journey is a Journey of Hope. Yes, the road leads down sometimes treacherous paths of disappointment, uncertainty, and doubt, but Hope remains.  As surely as he came to this world in his first advent that first Christmas he will return again to complete all that he said he would do. 

These words were meant to encourage the fleeting faith and nourish a gospel people to remain faithful to their role in God’s story.  It was meant to prompt words and works of life, freedom, hope, and reconciliation. 

Yes Jesus has come. Yes he will come again. Yes both those who are alive and those who have died have a role to play in that day. Don’t lose heart!