True Story: Lost and Found (Luke 15)

True Story: Lost and Found (Luke 15)

The good news of the kingdom of God is that the Father welcomes anyone who would turn to him.

  • Running away from God at full speed? He loves the rebellious and welcomes us to the table.

  • Realizing that your religion has been more about obeying the rules and not actually a loving relationship with God? Good News, He loves us and welcomes us to the table.

    Have some more questions? Let us know!

True Story: A Tale of Two Kingdoms (Matthew 13)

True Story: A Tale of Two Kingdoms (Matthew 13)

Matthew 14 perfectly paints a contrasting picture of the way of the empire and the way of Jesus. This 2 act drama plays out over the beheading of John (A meal with Herod in his kingdom) and the feeding of the 5k (a meal with Jesus in his kingdom.)

There’s a haunting call that yes, there is a reign that leads to death, but you don’t have to choose to give allegiance to that king. There’s another option a better option. And a better way of life spent following Jesus.

May we be a community who lives out of abundance, healing, and life - not scarcity, hurt, and death.

A Forever King (I Sam 16)

Much like the appetizer, David was giving Israel a taste of what was to come in Jesus, the main act of the meal. A good appetizer will excite you for what’s to come, it will give you a taste of what is to come, but it cannot fill you up fully. That’s the main course's job. To fill us. 

You see David is extremely important in this story. In fact it’s hard to find another character in the Bible as important as David, besides Jesus. He’s instrumental in the story of God moving in his people. 

But this story is about a King coming who would do what David could not - Finally make things right.

Father Abraham.... (Genesis 12)

Genesis 12 teaches us about God’s resounding answer to the questions posed in Genesis 3-11. But how do we take up our role to faithfully live as a blessing to others?

Listen. Trust. Follow. Three words that we hope stick with you from this teaching on Genesis 12. We weren’t able to capture the teaching in AZ, but thankfully preached the same text with a different twist a few weeks later at Great Bay Gospel Fellowship. Enjoy,