Hey friends,
Here are a few ways we can gather the beauty, hope, gifts of this season. Not all of these will fit all of us. Some may fit in a week or two, but let yourself notice which ones stand out to you and try them out as you can ☺. Give yourself time, but also be intentional in how you cultivate hope, gratitude, and peace during these times.
Write down or focus on words that give you hope, whether it be from a friend, from the Bible, or even social media.
Take them in, hold onto them. Let them last longer and sit with them, maybe even share them with others who need to hear hope. These words are meaningful and shouldn’t be moved passed too quickly.
Place these words in front of you- around the house, on your phone, in your journal. Keep looking at them.
2. Nature
Walk outside and gather the beauty, consuming with your senses. - What are 5 things that you are thankful for? Make note of them with pictures, journaling, or just in your memory.
Pay attention to the beauty of nature (trees, flowers, grass, fresh air) or just a chance to reflect differently in the fresh air.
Enjoy the fresh air! When you are alone in nature you expand your bubble to 12 feet of fresh air and enjoy that space.
Write down the beauty/gratitude you notice (phone, post it, phone), gather that experience for later.
3. Prayer
To be honest you’ve probably been praying while doing the first two, but this is intentional time in prayer with the God who is present even in the struggle.
Start by thanking God for what He has provided for you and others, what you notice of His provision, even if it feels small (I slept well, I could speak to my friend, I ate today, I have people to support me/support each other).
Move into lifting up the needs of others first, then your own. Both are important.
Sit in a position of receiving his love for a few minutes without words. This is so important. Let yourself be, without needing to do anything. This can be challenging at first, but very rewarding as you let yourself not do/serve/act but be in His presence and simply accept His love. Spend unhurried time with your God. He is waiting for you.
4. Share it!
Create a gratitude tree and have each person add to it each day by cutting out leaf shapes and writing one or more things you are thankful for
Post it wall: gather post its on a wall to share the things you are thankful for at a certain time each day.
Reach out to someone who has been a blessing to you each day and let them know what exactly you are thankful for. Kindness and gratitude go a long way in encouraging others.
There are so many little small steps that we can naturally include in these strange days.
With Gratitude and Hope-
-Noel -