Missio Dei Mesa is excited to support the work of Brittany and Noel in forming a new healing practice downtown Mesa. As a church we pray for the flourishing of ALL in our city and are giving our lives to see the men, women, and children of Mesa experience healing and Hope.
Here’s one story of how that is taking place. In their own words, here is Brittany and Noel-
We met at Missio Mesa a couple of years ago and were surprised to find out that we were both counselors and art therapists. Our friendship grew quickly and we spent many early mornings over coffee dreaming about more ways to help others in therapy. The vision for The Well was born out of those small but consistent encounters, over a high top table at Lost Dutchman. Incredible how God takes our open hearts and makes something beautiful out of them for the good of His city and His people.
Often people have 2 options in therapy: community services or higher cost private practice. Therapists find themselves torn between helping those who so desperately need the support and burning out themselves from not having the support to take on those high needs or going into private practice where therapy becomes less accessible but they are compensated more to pay for all the training and schooling it took to get their license in the first place. As counselors and creatives we wanted to think differently about the possibilities for therapy and desired to carve another path out to help people gain more access to treatment in our local context. This is something a lot of counselors and helping professionals desire all across our Valley.
Graciously God gave Brit a vision years ago when she started out as a therapist for a type of “one for one” model that could help cover the cost for anyone who couldn’t afford quality therapy. Brit started to share this vision God planted in her with Noel and just as graciously, God started to (unexpectedly) stir a desire in Noel also.
We are obnoxiously hopeful that God is generous, loves his creation, and has given us this city to cultivate heaven on earth while we wait in the brokenness and pain we all experience being human. The implication of this truth about who God is and what he does – left us exploring new ways of how that truth could be a reality in our city.
Dreaming about new possibilities, we found ourselves in a carved path that God was clearly carving – not us. The Well was an image God gave to us that has been such a comfort and reminder that as we all seek healing and restoration - this side of God making all things fully new – we come to the same source for healing just as a community goes to the same well for water. And we are not the ones who heal, but indeed the One who created the heavens and earth IS and is One who offers healing so freely.
That vision has become a reality already! We didn’t set out to make more money as counselors but instead to be a part of the abundance that we know is there if we work together as a community. A piece of every regular session fee goes towards covering someone else’s session fee who can’t afford the full price right now. It’s been really humbling and honestly incredible to see this play out over the past couple of months – 25% of our clients right now are being loved by others who they don’t even know. And they are all on the same journey of healing, from the same Source.
Our art studio and group room space both opened this month and we have been overwhelmed by God’s provision as we completed those rooms also. These supportive spaces will witness many stories of pain – met with compassion, creativity, and connection. It might seem weird that God would love a little place like Mesa, but it’s been evident to us that God wants to see his creation flourish and heal – and through His Spirit who is present with us through it all - we get to be participants in that Story.
-Brittany and Noel