Last night we got together around tables, shared some incredible meals, and continued an essential conversation for our current cultural moment. We know that as a church we want to be faithful to play our role in Gods story in the places we live, work, and play- but what exactly does that mean?
Our current cultural moment is marked by change, polarization, a global pandemic, racial tension, confusion, and disruption- how do we even make sense of what the Spirit has been up to in us, around us, and through us?
To help us navigate this season David and I curated a short list of reflection questions that would be great to ask around your table, with your roommates, spouse, or even alone with a journal. We will give a chance for some group processing in the near future, but for now let’s start to think about…
How has PRAYER been shaped?
How has GENEROSITY been shaped?
How has your IMAGINATION been shaped?
How has your PASSION for sharing the good news with others been shaped?
How has your JOY been shaped?
How has your understanding of DISCIPLESHIP been shaped?
How has your COMMUNITY been shaped?
How has your sense of JUSTICE been shaped?
What are the TREASURES you’ve discovered during this season? (With God, one another, yourself)
What are the TRAPS you’ve uncovered? (Regarding your relationships with God, one another, your personal patterns and rhythms.)