If you are looking at the New Year and find it a bit daunting because of the weightiness of what’s already in your hands, I’d love for you to spend a few minutes and meditate on this post!
What are you carrying into 2023?
If you are finding yourself carrying a lot of weight, I’m encouraging you to let this part of Jesus’ prayer be a core phrase for the new year!
“Your kingdom come… your will be done…”
So what is the weight? Is it Frustration? Weariness? ? Painful situations that haven’t resolved? Betrayal? Loss? Anxiety over the reality of your home, marriage, dating relationship? Insecurity at your job? A new boss, frustrating co-worker, or potential lay-offs?
Or maybe it’s disappointment, missed expectations, and honestly you you have just a little hope left in the tank on a good day? It could be with your MC, with Missio, or even with God himself.
Good news…. Those difficult things mixed with trust in Jesus is a fertile environment for experiencing the kingdom!
At Jesus’ first Advent the kingdom came into normal nitty-gritty life. He came into a weary world longing for redemption. A world of groaning creation, oppression, loneliness, dissatisfied hearts, manipulated man-made religion, broken and bruised relationships.
The world has all those hard things, but now it also has Jesus. He rescuer, redeemer, healer. Immanuel. God is with us. In the hurt. And will one day make all things new. But while we wait for that day he is making us new- right now. It’s as we are wounded and healed that we bring a message of healing and hope with us into the networks and neighborhoods we live in.
As you turn the calendar page to 2023 I’m not telling you to just try harder to leave behind the hurt, the disappointments, or even frustrations- that’s too simplistic and honestly ineffective. But don’t let those places be the final destination on your journey.
I’m encouraging you to enter even more fully into the story of God and recognize that the Kingdom of God is for people who know the wounds of the world and trust Jesus anyway. Those of us who bring faith, hope, and love because of Jesus with us on this often confusing journey. He has given us His Spirit. We Abide in His love. And we continue on asking him to bring his kingdom even more fully into our midst.
Friends, having the bravery to Hope, choose Love, and cling to Joy in the midst of a groaning creation would truly be evidence that his kingdom has come in Mesa and Gilbert!
Matthew 5-7 may be a a great place to meditate starting the new year!
Pray with us! “Your kingdom come….”
Reflection Questions:
1) What are the weights you are you carrying with you into the New Year?
2) When you reflect on God’s presence with you in those situations? What do you feel Him saying to you?
3) Who can you share what God is doing in you with? (MC? Spouse? Friend?)
#missiomesa @missiodei_mesa @missiodei_communities #disciplesmade #disciplemaker #makediaciples #kingdomcome #mesaaz #gilbertaz #eastvalley #dontloseheart #yesandamen #tempeaz #chandleraz #sobremesa