As we Sabbath for the month of July don’t forget to cultivate rhythms of rest and worship for your students!
It can be easy to assume that our students are picking up what we are intending just by being around. Sometimes that happen. Many times it doesn’t. Here are three tips for discipling your kids over this month. And any month really.
1. Use your words.
How many times have you spoken this to your kids? Now it’s time for you to remember. Connect your actions to your intentions with words! Connect your rest with the gospel truth of Gods call an easy yoke. Connect your play with Gods design for enjoyment. Connect the pool party to God’s design of everyday disciples enjoying one another and his good gifts. Connect your communal serving to the reality of our gospel identities… you get the point.
2. You don’t have to know it all- but you have to open your Bible.
Pick out a few Jesus stories and use our four questions with your students. Don’t forget to listen to God’s voice together as you discern how you will each obey what Jesus has shown you! (Look back over our hearing Gods voice in the Word handout if you need a refresher.)
Here’s a helpful tool for how to structure a time with Jesus together using equal parts settling in, storying, and sending!
3. Use a BLESS grid for your July.
As a family come up with creative and simple ways to live out the BLESS rhythms together over the month.