We Grow
One of the practices of the people of God is a shared commitment to maturing as disciples of Jesus. As we learned on Sunday, this growth isn’t auxiliary to the mission of God, but is integral to how God works in the world, in the church, and across our communities.
Here’s a few thoughts as you continue to consider the teaching and training from Sunday.
Don’t forget - Growth has a Direction: Growth as a disciple of Jesus is more than just self help, or personal growth; it's a call to a life that aligns with the very heart of God and the reconciling mission He is already on. Growth will always invite us to step beyond the prison cell of self and embrace a mission that continues shaping our hearts, our lives and the world. We are growing up and out as a family of servant ambassadors learning to live in the grace of Jesus!
As you continue growing- Community Matters: Your journey in following Jesus is not just your own. Yes it’s personal, but it’s also communal. A key component of your apprenticeship to Jesus is the community you follow him with. Somehow our journey is inextricably linked with the journey of others in the most beautiful and often mysterious of ways. (Watch: We Gather for some of how we join with others as Missio.)
Growing Develops our Gifts and Talents: A part of this journey is the recognition of the gifts and talents that we’ve been entrusted with. None of these were given for us to simply indulge in ourselves, but are given and should be developed for the common good. (Watch: Gifts of the people.)
Growing is A Lifelong Process: Embracing growth isn't a one-time event but a lifelong process of submitting to the Spirit of God and taking up your role in the Mission of God. It encourages us to continually seek God's guidance, lean into the movement of the spirit, abide in the grace of Jesus- and adapt in methodology as we grow. There is so much to enjoy and experience with God- let us not grow weary in the journey of being formed by God, together, for the sake of others.
Three Questions To Keep Processing
Which of the following points were helpful for you as you consider what spiritual growth looks like for you in this season of life?
What are the barriers you are facing that keep you from embracing a lifestyle of growing up in Christ?
What environments do you need to be in to continue working with the Spirit as he works in you and your community?