We are strongly convinced that the church isn’t a VIP lounge for really well behaved folks, or a static club of theologically minded scholars, but a relentless Jesus community formed by God’s grace, filled with God’s Spirit and sent on God's mission.
Our faith wasn’t meant to only find it’s home in quiet huddles happening in living rooms (though we love those too.) It’s meant to infiltrate the trenches of of everyday life. We believe we are sent not just to convert neighbors to our club; but to co-labor with God to be agents of reconciliation, heralds of Jesus, ambassadors of his kingdom in the brokenness of our world. Wherever that may be.
We believe we are called to Jesus and then sent with Jesus to participate in his ongoing work in this world!
And as we go into the everday experiences of life we embody the transformative kingdom full of Jesus' love and grace. And that transforms our lives, our communities, our cities one small act of love at a time. So, gear up, friends, we're not here to play it safe and hopefully make it out alive. We believe we haven’t just ended up in our networks or neighborhoods by accident—we're believe we are sent into those spaces, bringing the Kingdom to every nook and cranny of our lives!
This isn’t a solo sport though. We go together. The shared life of the church is a shared witness to the world longing for good news. One missionary puts it like this:
The only possible hermeneutic (way of understanding) of the gospel is a congregation which believes it.
Lesslie Newbigin
So we purposefully follow the Spirit together as we are going to make disciples who make disciples.