Have you ever been curious about…
What is the Bible anyway?
How did we get to the copy of the Bible we have today?
How do we hear from God in the Scriptures?
What is the storyline of the Bible?
How reliable is the Bible we have?
Where do I even start with this big book?
In January, Ben Ide will be leading a 2 session cohort to discuss those exact questions- plus some of the ones you bring to the table! On January 20th and 27th he’ll be leading anyone (Missio members, MC’s, students who are curious) who wants to explore those questions together. Through both conversation and prepared content we will take a journey that will inform, equip, and hopefully inspire you to continue your journey of following Jesus and feeling more prepared as you approach the Bible.
Seriously, what better way to start the new year that gaining familiarity with the Story of God and growing as disciples who not only learn about the Word, but obey what it says!