Missio Dei Communities is an extended spiritual family who is being formed by God, together, for the sake of others. We do this by following Jesus and leading others to do the same in Missio Communities, Sunday Gatherings, and everyday life.
Like any family - we set a family budget and adjust as needed. This budget is a little different though- instead of a parent or multiple parents who provide financially for the family unit- We give together. What’s that mean? It means each of us give what God has prompted us to. Then as sisters and brothers we gather those resources together and then use them as financial parameters for what we get to steward as a church in this moment and, lord willing, into the future. We believe that Jesus is doing something beautiful and powerful here in Mesa and we are honored to play a role in that with our lives and with our resources!
Jesus has always had something to say about the way we respond to his generosity. He has given us everything we have and calls his people to by setting aside portions of that for the life and ministry of his church. But he also left some freedom in how that gets practiced.
At Missio we don’t mandate everyone give 10%, but do want everyone having the conversation with Jesus and then listening to what he says. Sometimes that’s 10%, sometimes it’s more. sometimes it’s less- but when done in obedience to hearing the voice of Jesus- it’s what we’d say is faithful! We ask all our community to consider with Jesus what is faithful, regular, and generous in response to His voice- then just be obedient to that.
Three Steps To Continuing Your Generosity Journey with Missio
Set aside time to prayerfully consider the % of your income that Jesus is inviting you to invest in kingdom work through Missio Dei Mesa in 2023.
Obey whatever He directs you to do. (if you need to adjust giving amounts here is the link)