Summer in the Psalms: Psalm 10

Psalm 10


Find a comfortable place to sit or stand. Breathe slowly and deeply, in and out several times. Ask God to speak to you through the passage that you are about to read, a simple ask. Nothing elaborate is needed

First Listen

The first time through this passage just listen. Don’t try to do anything with it. Let it wash over you. Get a feel for the text. Recommend listening to the Streetlights Psalm 10(also available in Streetlights Psalm 10 in Spanish )

Second Listen

Listen to the Psalm again. This time pay attention to which word/words/phrases jump out at you. Focus on that word/phrase, repeat it silently to yourself while listening to the passage. If nothing stands out to you, that’s ok. There is nothing you have to force or do.


Speak aloud the word/phrase that stood out to you. If notwas there any feelings that this passage brought up? Take a minute to reflect how your body feels/what emotions you feel and say those out loud.

*Note: The Psalmist expresses frustration at what is happening and that God is not acting, you are allowed to feel frustration, anger, sadness, despair, joy, contentedness, relief, or any other emotions when reading this Psalm. There is not a correct emotion, but be honest before the face of God.


In this Psalm, the writer is telling God what is happening and asking God to intervene. When you heard this passage was there anyone or any group of people that it brought to mind who you want to ask God to intervene for? If no one comes to mind and you want a suggestion see the news article below. Spend some time going through the Psalm rewording it to pray for the person/people you are thinking of.


This passage speaks of heavy and real things experienced by people around us. This passage does not command us toward a direct specific action but asks God to act. Release back to God the thoughts/feelings/hopes/laments that this passage stirred up. Imagine releasing it/handing it to him with your breath as you breath in and out, with several large inhales and exhales.

Extra Resources