Matthew 28 hits a little differently when you’ve spent all month reading the gospel. It’s not a random set of verses but the finale before being sent out! In the story Matthew has telling about Jesus and his kingdom we come to the end of the words, and the invitation to continue the story in our own place, time, and I have no doubt that as Matthew’s readers got to the final chapter they were just like us. They were experiencing doubt, feeling refreshed, a sense of mystery, maybe even overwhelmed a bit, but also filled with the Spirits sparks of imagination for what it looks like to continue the story of all that Jesus began to do.
Matthew 28 give us Matthew’s final account and commissioning from Jesus. It starts with a defining moment in the history of the world- the resurrection. Jesus rising from the dead and then the subsequent conversations with his friends shift everything for his first disciples- and can for us as well. As he tells them to spread the word about God’s redemptive plan and new creation’s dawning- he makes some incredible promises and sends them out to continue His work in their communities.
The following questions can be answered not only from Matthew 28, but the entire book as you sit and reflect on this chapter on your own or with a few friends.
Make some time to be with Jesus in this chapter.
Reflection Questions
The Resurrection Really Happened: How does the resurrection of Jesus impact our understanding of His identity and mission? How does it shape our hope and faith as Christians today? Why do you think this is good news not only for the 11 disciples, but for the world?
The Call to Discipleship: What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus Christ? How does the “Great Commission” redefine our purpose as individuals and as a church community? Where else in the Story of God do you see God sending people to be a blessing to others? Do you feel this is a personal priority for you? (check your calendar, budget, and relational choices if you want some hints!)
Making Disciples: What are tangible ways we can engage in making disciples in our local context this week? How can we lovingly share the message of Jesus / his kingdom and make disciples in our communities? Where are the places you already go that Jesus is at work in?
Baptism: Why is baptism significant in the life of a follower of Jesus? Have you been baptized? What does that identity mean to you today? OR What is holding you back? (connect if you want to start the baptism process.)
Teaching and Obedience: How can we ensure that our teaching aligns with the commands of Jesus? What happens if we emphasize simply learning about Jesus rather than obeying him in our discipleship? In what ways can we foster a culture of obedience to Christ's teachings within our missional communities?
The Overlooked Promise of Jesus' Presence: So many times we bypass this one for what we ought to be doing. Don't skip this though- it is everything on the journey. How does the assurance of Jesus' presence impact our confidence, courage, and conviction in fulfilling the Great Commission? How can we practically rely on His presence as we engage in mission and ministry this year?
Global Perspective: What does it mean to make disciples of all nations? How can we cultivate a global perspective in our approach to mission, considering the diverse cultures and contexts where the Gospel is proclaimed? How can this shape both our prayer life AND our practical life decisions?
Perseverance in Mission: What challenges might we face as we go? How do you think we can remain steadfast in our commitment to spreading the Gospel despite difficult obstacles and opposition that Jesus told us would come?
Communal Response: How can your MC collectively support and encourage one another in our missional endeavors? How can we collaborate with other churches and organizations in our cities to work together in inviting others to experience God's kingdom?
Personal Commitment: In light of the Great Commission, what personal commitments can we make to actively participate in fulfilling Jesus' command to make disciples this year? How will we integrate this mission into our daily lives and priorities? Are you in for a year of following Jesus using Matthew as a guide?
2023 We started here. Words ring true today as well!