Moving Slowly (Reading the Sermon on the Mount Together)


So glad you are here. If you've been following along with us since January, you've gained an overview of the entire gospel of Matthew. You've read every word, witnessed every activity, and encountered every conflict that Matthew penned down.

You've seen Jesus' priority of the kingdom, his call to repentance, and his invitation to follow Him. You've also experienced His life, death, and resurrection - and subsequent commissioning. And we pray that you've heard the Spirit's voice as you've sat with these stories, contemplating the mystery and beauty of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection - the events of the gospel.

This month, we are going to delve into the collection of teachings known as the "Sermon on the Mount."

Some Notes:

  • Be.

    Some of us are accustomed to spending time with Jesus focused solely on consuming content. This month, we invite you to meditate slowly on a few verses at a time and discern what the Spirit may want to communicate to us. As you read just one beatitude a day, this intentional practice is meant to slow us down and draw us closer to Jesus through His word. Do you feel at rest in God's presence, or do you feel like you should be 'doing more'?

    How long can you linger, meditating on these words of Jesus for His disciples, of whom you are one?

    Be honest.

    As you reflect, let the Spirit use the Word as a living and active surgical scalpel to do the work He needs to do in our hearts. As you read about reconciliation, take enough time to marinate and see if you need to work through that. As you reflect on the consequences of lust in your heart, take inventory of your Netflix queue and your browsing history. As he talks about kingdom generosity, let your budget and spending priorities come under review. As you read about anger, anxiety, fasting, and the mystery of Jesus completing the old covenant, linger honestly in front of Jesus, and let Him affirm your identity and invite you into the life-giving ways of the kingdom.

    Be Together.

    This journey is best undertaken with peers committed to making disciples. Friends who are also being formed by God, alongside you, for the sake of others. Are there a few people in your Missional Community who can commit to reading together this month? What about people outside of Missio who are a part of your discipleship journey? Perhaps even those who are not yet disciples but are curious about what Jesus taught and why it should matter to them? Or even within your household? (We listen to the Streetlights app for longer passages, but the kids will read these short verses in the Platt household.) The invitation is for everyone to read and then collectively share what the Spirit has been doing as they read, meditate, pray, and listen.

    Be obedient.

    How is Jesus inviting you to respond to His Word as you live in His world? How is He inviting not only you into His presence but also to take His kingdom way of life into the world? If you take each day and ask, "How do you want me to respond?" you'll be taking at least 27 steps closer to following the Messiah as a disciple who makes disciples!

    As always if you want some help, or need a little more guidance, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

following Jesus with you-
