arch 2024
We’ve talked about how Matthew writes his gospel to equip a community in crisis on how to follow Jesus together and then disciple others to do the same.
Matthew purposefully uses the life and actions of Moses as a backdrop to tell the story of Jesus showing how Jesus is the True and Greater prophet who leads God’s people into freedom and a flourishing life for the sake of the world. This month we will look at comparisons from the life of Jesus and the life of Moses to see some of these comparisons.
This is not an exhaustive list but should serve you well to help you see the beauty of God’s activity in history and even find yourself drawn deeper into this Divine Drama.
Note: You can jump into this reading plan whether or not you’ve been following along so far- but if you have been reading you already have an overview of the book and have drilled down deep into the sermon on the mount. Let those serve as a backdrop to these readings!