Three Ways To Steward God's Money With Missio

Here Are Three Ways To Steward God’s Money With Missio.

  1. This is not the only priority, but we are putting it first. All throughout the Story of God there has been a place for the people of God to put their financial resources together to care for the household of God and the community they’ve been placed in. If you are a part of our MC network and aren’t yet giving regularly and sacrificially we encourage you to start here. CLICK HERE TO START GIVING.

  2. Here’s a second way to invest your money into equipping the body of Christ. Each year we host soma school, which is a 5 day discipleship immersion here in the valley. This year we are hoping to scholarship 4 people from less affluent contexts by scholarshipping all or most of their costs. If you want to invest in the global church by helping disciplemaking sisters and brothers come to Soma School CLICK HERE.

  3. And rounding out this top three is a chance to build a school. We are hoping to fund one of our church planting teams in the Eastern Sahara with the resources needed to build a school for local villages to educate their kids. If you want to be a part of this endeavor in prayer- that’s free and you can start doing that now! If you want to give financially, HERES THE LINK FOR THAT.

As always if you have any questions or complications with the giving process you can reach out directly to and we’d love to help!