Real Quick… Here’s a reminder.
Don’t be surprised that our faith may cost us.
That cost may be in the form of comfort, jobs, relationships, finances, preferred zip codes, or even personal safety- but suffering and sacrifice are part of following Jesus. That’s not just a public service announcement for remote corners of the globe, but it is for us as we follow Jesus in the East Valley and wherever else Jesus may send us.
We are meditating on the words in Matthew 10 and I can’t help but see how they remind all disciples of Jesus that suffering, injustice, and personal risk are all factors to be considered as they are being sent out. Yes disciples are sent with the power and presence of God himself, but that doesn’t mitigate that suffering is part of the journey.
I heard from a friend that the way he equips his church for these realities in his part of Africa is that “In everything they may lose for the gospel, they have one more opportunity to learn their need for God and dependence on his power and grace. I want my church to know that whatever threatens to destroy them, instead gives them more good news to share. God never leaves or forgets. I have experienced this, and I want them to be prepared as well- I don’t want them to be surprised.”
We may really like a God of worship services whose meetings we attend semi-regularly, but the calling and commissioning of Jesus into everyday discipleship reads much different the longer we continue to sit in the book of Matthew. We started the gospel seeing the power struggle between the kingdom of God and the corrupt powers of the first century political world and the religion of the day. Five months into this journey, I continue to see a daily encounter with Jesus, experiences with his community on the journey, rest in his presence, and commissioning into some really messy, painful, and costly places for the sake of the kingdom.
What are you noticing as you journey with Jesus through the gospel of Matthew?