How Should We Live? (Psalm 2)

How do we Live? We’ve sat with Jesus in Psalm 2. Learned some background, explored God’s character, and even saw some uncomfortable and liberating truths about his justice. But what does that mean for us and the way we live today? That’s what the fourth question is all about.

Here are some of the answers we came up with yesterday at our gathering.

Jesus is Lord.

Arrange your life accordingly.  Who or what we see as central and worthy of service will dictate our calendars, our friendships, and our budget decisions. Don’t follow a lesser god towards destruction, but lean more fully into the good reign of Jesus and leverage your lives to love more fiercely as he leads you.

Live Out the Baptismal Identity:

When we embrace our role in God’s story as those who bow our knees to king Jesus we find our heads lifted to a reality we aren’t just subjects we are sons and daughters. And When we embrace our given identity as God’s beloved children, it transforms us. For John from our first story, when he embraced this identity it gave him the inner strength to offer forgiveness to his dad, extend grace to his family, and a new pathway of disrupting family patterns with redemptive ones.

Participating in God’s Mission:

Submission to the king is expressed in service. We’re all called to participate in God’s mission. When we align our hearts and our lives under His kingdom agenda it will effect our life choice.   Small acts done with great love can change the world. It can easily start with where am I already placed and what’s already in my hands, great- now how do I serve with that? .”

Prayer and Dependence on the Spirit in Community

Lastly, Remember, we can’t do this on our own. Prayer and the Holy Spirit empower us. As we’ve watched Jesus walk out of this water in the Jordan we’ve seen him deeply dependent on the power of the Spirit.