Join Us for an 8-Week Journey Through "The Blue Parakeet"
Hey everyone!
Are you at all curious about how the Bible speaks to us in today’s world? Join us as Kevin Platt leads a 8-week deep dive into Scott McKnight’s The Blue Parakeet: Rethinking How You Read the Bible. This is your chance to rethink traditional views and see Scripture in a fresh, dynamic way alongside others from Missio Dei Mesa.
Our plan is to explore McKnight’s ideas about the Bible as a living conversation with God rather than just a static set of rules. We will dialogue through his book, engage with each others questions, and by God’s grace, move towards a more faithful reading of the Bible.
Here’s what we’ll cover:
Fresh Perspectives: Should we break away from old interpretations and discover new ways to read and understand Scripture?
Storytelling & Community: Embrace the Bible’s narrative in a communal approach that is sure to resonate with you.
Real-Life Implications : How do we work out timeless wisdom, truth, and perspectives to modern challenges and experiences.
Whether you’re new to the book or a returning reader, this cohort is designed for open discussion and shared learning. Connect with others who are eager to engage with the Bible in a meaningful and transformative way.
When: August 12 – September 24th (7.30-9pm)
Where: Platt House
Sign Up By: August 5th - September 24th