Cultivate Connection

Cultivate Connection

True connection begins with genuine listening. (BLESS LISTEN) When we are in a space where we are heard, our walls come down, and the possibility for transformation grows. As leaders, we can help cultivate these moments by asking thoughtful questions, encouraging laughter, and creating an atmosphere where ideas and stories are freely exchanged in non anxious ways.

This sounds simple, but it’s not always easy. Our insecurities, agendas, and blind spots often keep us from this crucial first step of forming meaningful gatherings.

One simple ritual we practice at home is going around the table and having everyone answer the same question. It might be,

  • What’s a moment you’re grateful for this week?

  • What’s a dream you’ve been holding onto?

  • Where do you call home?

  • What did you learn this week that you wish you could share with your younger self?

    Each of these shared moments invite authenticity and often lead to deep and unexpected connections over shared stories. When the whole table knows that everyone is answering it helps to create a shared expectation that each of us is giving of ourselves and there is safety because everyone is equally involved in the process.

A mistake that many inexperienced or insecure leaders can make is to keep everything about their agenda and content they want to share- but this often prevents people from being able to fully enter into connecting because they feel like they are being downloaded information. That feels decidedly different from being part of a transformative process that involves our own thoughts, dreams, and desires being formed in conversation with God and his community. Slow down. Listen. And don’t be so driven to accomplish your purposes that you miss out on what God invited you all together for.

Questions To Keep Processing

  • What moments do we already have where we see connections naturally forming?

  • What are some new conversation starters we could try this season?

  • What barriers have we experienced in cultivating connection?

  • How do we as leaders model authentic and trusted sharing of stories with our community?