Embrace Comfort AND Challenge

Embrace Comfort and Challenge

People thrive in environments where they feel both safe and challenged. Safety gives us the courage to step into something new; stretching moves us toward growth. As leaders, we tend to lean one way or the other—maybe you’re great at creating comfort, or perhaps you naturally push people forward.

Neither is enough on its own.

Safety without stretching leads to stagnation, and stretching without safety tends to overwhelm. A full experience of both helps us grow.

But Remember: safety comes first. People won’t stretch (willingly) until they know the space is safe.

Questions For Reflection

  • Each of our communities naturally migrate towards safety OR stretching. Which is your community most likely to gravitate towards?

  • What have been the benefits of that focus? Where have you seen some potential needs for the other side of the equation?

  • How could you purposefully architect your next quarter together to include elements of both safety and stretching?