Missional Life

A Pray of Confession From Ephesians

Last night we spent some time in Ephesians 1.15-23. It was an incredible night of conviction, encouragement, and curiosity being sparked for what could be! As you continue processing We wanted to give a confession to integrate this teaching into your weekly prayer.

Our hope is that we are encouraged by the words Paul prayed, but also use his prayer as a pattern for praying for one another. Remember that our moments of prayer are not optional or a precursor to a missionary life, they are the oxygen for every disciple of Jesus.

Father, I confess….
I often live without hope.
I can easily forget I am loved.
I don’t believe you can _____.

Open my heart to see…
The hope in your calling
The wealth of your inheritance
The immeasurable power you’ve given us.

You. We want to know you.
— Missio Dei Communities