Whether you are a part of Missio Dei Mesa, or just curious about Jesus, you are welcome here. We hope that the next thirty minutes help to expose the horrific beauty of the cross. We will meet tonight at 6pm in downtown, Mesa- but until that gathering may these words help you reflect and meditate.
There is horror because on this day God’s innocent son was murdered for crimes we committed. He felt the wrath of the father for sins that we chose. He absorbed the wounds of this world that we might be set free. There is also beauty. Beauty because we see forgiveness, healing, hope, and freedom personified. We are able to catch a glimpse of the great love God has for his world. We are able to taste and see the devastation that sin causes and the deep love that Jesus has for his creation. For you. For me.
So let yourself be drawn into the story. Look at the images, listen to the words, pray the prayers. If you feel moved to mourn, let the tears come. If you dare to dream this could be for you, let that faith grow. Feel the amazement that , as Tim Keller says, we were so messed up that Jesus had to die for us, but so loved that he wanted to.
If you find yourself needing a break, hit pause, then come back to it in a bit. There’s no wrong way to experience this teaching except to try to numb yourself from it.
Thanks for joining with us. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out. If you want to talk more about what you hear, let us know. We’re glad you are here and trust that God will use this in your lives.
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