

Welcome to the adventure! These waypoints are for those setting out to start or redirect a missional community.

I’ve done several backcountry backpacking trips. Each time I set out, I’m aware that others have gone before me. So I consult the maps, check out previous pathways people have taken, GPS a few waypoints, and try to prepare for what will inevitably go wrong on the journey.

Starting a missional community is a lot like that! You are setting out on a path others have taken. You can consult the resources, pray, plan ahead, and learn from the leading of others, but each step of the journey will have to be taken by you. You are following the Spirit and leaning on the learnings of others who have gone before and that’s where these waypoints come in. They are meant to help you navigate the first few months of forming an MC in a new context.

These waypoints are built on years of prayer, failure, love, and joyful participation in God’s mission. We’ve been planting, pastoring, and coaching missional communities over the last 13 years years and want to use those experiences to help you on your journey of becoming a community formed  by God (formation), together (community), for the sake others (mission) in healthy ways.