
The Better Rest

The Better Rest

When God rescued His people out of slavery to Egypt, He called them to follow Him through the wilderness into a land He promised them — a land of rest. Many did not believe God’s promise and because of that, they failed to enter into His rest. Yet, God is inviting us into a deeper and fuller rest now through His Son, Jesus. May we listen. May we not harden our hearts as the Israelites did in the wilderness, but follow God’s invitation into His good rest.

What Does a Person Gain?

What Does a Person Gain?

Is all of life meaningless? Is all our work just endless toil, sweat and weariness? What do we gain from all we do day in and day out? Have you ever asked these questions? The Preacher of Ecclesiastes did! Faced with the seemingly vanity of life, the Preacher invites us to examine our own existence under the weight of weary work and selfish gain. Is there any hope for us living here “under the sun?”