
Simon and the Spirit

Acts 8 gives us a snapshot of another ordinary man filled with the extraordinary power of the Spirit of God. Philip traveled to Samaria to bring the good news of Jesus to a people traditionally hated by Jewish men and women. There, he encounters a man named Simon who is using another power to gain control and status in the community. Yet his power is no match for the power of God — so Simon wants the power the followers of Jesus possess and is willing to pay the right price for it.

It may seem like a strange, otherworldly story to us. But are there ways we try to obtain the favor, love, or power of God too? Do we try to earn or buy it, when it is freely given by Jesus?

Stephen and the Story

Stephen and the Story

Stephen was an ordinary man, who was filled with the extraordinary love, wisdom, and power of the Spirit of God. In this love and power, he was able to share good news with many. When he was confronted with those who were angered and threatened by the way of Jesus, the Spirit gave Stephen the words to retell the Story of their faith, and show how Jesus was the culmination of that Story. And when those same people were outraged by this story and began to murder Stephen, the Spirit gave Stephen a peace and strength allowing him to suffer in the same manner as Jesus — so that he would also share in his glory.

Today, we are invited into this same Story, to be filled by the same Spirit, to share in both the same suffering and glory.