
Worship, Not Works

Worship, Not Works

In Acts 15, the council of apostles and leaders of the earliest community of Jesus followers had a question before them: ‘What determines whether a person is in Christ or not?’ Their answer: ‘The grace of God through the work of Jesus, not through our own work.’

This meant that the religious rules they had been taught to follow their entire lives, though they had their place, were not what saved them. This also meant the things that had distinguished Jews from the rest of the world as God’s own people were no longer dividing lines. Most of all, this meant that all people were welcome into the Kingdom of God as they recognized Jesus as King.

It is our worship of Jesus that saves us, not our works.

The Works of Our Words

The Works of Our Words

After James discusses the importance of our works over simply saying you believe, he now contends that our words are very much important to our faith, too. So which is it? Should we focus on our demonstration or our declaration of faith? What we find, as we look into the wisdom of James, is that both our works and our words flow from our worship. With hearts rooted in the love of Christ, we will bear the fruit of a faith that speaks and acts.

The Fruit of Faith

The Fruit of Faith

If we are saved by faith alone, solely because of God's grace, why would James use such bold words about the works we are supposed to have? Just as an apple tree, sprouting from the seed of an apple, will produce the fruit of more apples, as we are rooted in the loving works of Christ we will produce, through the power of the Spirit, more works of love... because of his grace!