
June Reading Plan (2024 in Matthew)


This month we will be examining the prayers of Jesus and what Matthew seemed to want us to know about prayer through his Gospel account. More than study what is said about prayer, we are inviting one another to slow down through prayer as we read.

We will be referring to that famous passage where Jesus taught his disciples how to pray in the Sermon on the Mount throughout the entire month, but each week we will also take a look at another passage of prayer alongside it.


The 30 days of June span across 4 weeks, but you may break this reading up differently for your own schedule. You are free to jump in with this reading plan at any time, but the following is a suggested rhythm:

Entire Month — Matthew 6:9-13 (Pray Like This)

Week 1 (June 1-8) — Matthew 14 (Mountainside Solitude)

Week 2 (June 9-15) — Matthew 19 (Like Little Children)

Week 3 (June 16-22) — Matthew 21 (Temple + Tree)

Week 4 (June 23-30) — Matthew 26 (Gethsemane Garden)


In essence, we will follow a simple 4-part process:
Recite. Read. Reflect. Pray.

  • We will begin each section with reading the Lord’s Prayer.
    We encourage you to memorize it and learn to recite it to yourself throughout the day.

  • Next, we will read the passage of Scripture for the week.

  • We’ll share some thoughts on the passage, but it’s more important for you to take some time to journal your own thoughts, questions, cares, etc. surrounding the Scripture.

  • Finally, there will be prompts for you to pray through the Lord’s Prayer in light of the passage read.