The Gospel According to Luke

The book of Luke is hugely important in shaping the True Story of the world that we all live in. Just as Luke wrote these words for his friend Theophilus so he could “know the certainty of the things [he has] been taught” (v4), we can now hand this story down to our kids so that they can grow to live in God’s kingdom.

The story of Jesus found in Luke’s account of the Gospel is one of salvation. It is a salvation that addresses every area of life: physical, social, political, economical, spiritual, etc. Jesus came to bring God’s kingdom on earth, to live the way Israel and all God’s people were intended, and to re-create us into that true humanity through his death and resurrection. Jesus’ birth is good news to a broken world, and his resurrection is a preview of life in the renewed world to come!

Pray with us that this will be a helpful resource in teaching our children and helping the parents of our congregation to better disciple their families as we all journey through the book of Luke together.


Here’s an optional worksheet kids can use each week to follow along


Week One - Intro to Advent and Luke (1:1-4) | Preschool version

Week Two - Angel Visits (1:5-38) | Preschool version

Week Three - Singing as a Good News Response (1:39-80) | Preschool version

Week Four - Birth of Jesus (2:1-20) | Preschool version


Week Five - Jesus’ Baptism (3:21-22) | Preschool version

Week Six - Nazareth Sermon (4:14-21 or 30) | Preschool version

Week Seven - Paralyzed Man (5:17-26) | Preschool Version

Week Eight - Love Your Enemies (6:27-36) | Preschool Version

Week Nine - Anointed By Prostitute (7:36-50) | Preschool Version

Week Ten - Dead Girl & Sick Woman (8:40-56) | Preschool Version

Week Eleven - Cost of Discipleship (9:57-62) | Preschool Version

Week Twelve - Good Samaritan (10:25-37) | Preschool Version

Week Thirteen - Prayer (11:1-13) | Preschool Version

Week Fourteen - Worry (12:22-34) | Preschool Version

4/14 Palm Sunday (Flex - each congregation does their own thing) - Optional Curriculum

4/21 Easter Sunday Flex (No Luke - each congregation does their own thing)


Week Fifteen - (13:18-30) | Preschool Version

Week Sixteen - (14:1-14)

Week Seventeen - (15:11-32) | Preschool Version

Week Eighteen - (16:19-31) | Preschool Version

Week Nineteen - (17:20-37) | Preschool Version

Week Twenty - (18:9-14) | Preschool Version

Week Twenty-One - (19:1-10) | Preschool Version

Week Twenty-Two - (20:20-40) | Preschool Version

Week Twenty-Three - (21:5-36) | Preschool Version

Week Twenty-Four - (22:7-38) | Preschool Version

Week Twenty-Five - (23:26-49) | Preschool Version

Week Twenty-Six - (24:13-45) | Preschool Version