True Story

Stories Within the True Story

Throughout 2021 we will be looking deeper into the True Story of the entirety of Scripture by zooming into the smaller stories within the Bible, and examining what the Lord is desiring to say to us through it.


Week One - Creation
Week Two - Humans
Week Three - Rebellion
Week Four - The Flood
Week Five - Abraham
Week Six - Jacob & Esau
Week Seven - Joseph in Egypt


Week Eight - Stuck In Egypt
Week Nine - God Is With Us
Week Ten - The Passover
Week Eleven - The People At Sinai

Early Israel

Week Twelve - Crossing the Jordan
Week Thirteen - Days of the Judges
Week Fourteen - Appointing A King

Prophets of Israel

Week Fifteen - Elijah VS the Prophets of Baal
Week Sixteen - Isaiah
Week Seventeen - Zephaniah
Week Eighteen - Jeremiah
Week Nineteen - Ezra/Nehemiah (part one)
Week Twenty - Ezra/Nehemiah (part two)


Psalm 16
Psalm 148
Psalm 19

Gospel Accounts

Week Twenty One - Jesus is Born
Week Twenty Two - Jesus is Baptized
Week Twenty Three - Water & Wine
Week Twenty Four - Beatitudes
Week Twenty Five - Lord’s Prayer
Week Twenty Six - Feeds the Five Thousand
Week Twenty Seven - The Good Samaritan
Week Twenty Eight - The Lost Sons
Week Twenty Nine - Triumphal Entry
Week Thirty - Dirty Feet
Week Thirty One - Last Supper
Week Thirty Two - Death & Resurrection
Week Thirty Three - Great Commission

Early Church

Week Thirty Four - The Spirit Comes
Week Thirty Five - A New Community

Advent & Restoration

Week Thirty Six - Hope of Glory
Week Thirty Seven - Love Never Fails
Week Thirty Eight - Peace That Surpasses
Week Thirty Nine - Joy to the World

Shaped by the True Story

In January of 2020, Missio Dei: Phoenix is reminding ourselves of the True Story, from creation to restoration, and how that shapes who we are. Week one is a reading of the True Story. This is the foundation of everything we believe. From there, we will look at how this True Story shapes us in Gospel Formation, Community, and Mission.


Here’s an optional worksheet kids can use each week to follow along

Week One - The True Story

Week Two - Gospel Formation

Week Three - Gospel Community

Week Four - Gospel Mission