Continue Following Jesus Together (Our Final Sermon In Our Luke Series)

Continue Following Jesus Together  (Our Final Sermon In Our Luke Series)

Listen in to the second half of our final Luke sermon in the Luke series. The first half was our family sharing ways that Jesus has used the story of his life, death, and resurrection to shift our lives over the last six months. Due to the personal nature of those stories we’ve taken them out of the podcast.

The second half was Kevin’s wrap up of the chapters we studied together and you get to listen in on that part. Enjoy.

The Tale of Two Sons (A Sermon from Luke 15)

The Tale of Two Sons (A Sermon from Luke 15)

No matter the reason that you are here, you are here because Jesus wants you to hear good news.  This news is good for you today whether you’ve been following Jesus for 15 minutes or 50 years. 

Jesus message was one of healing, hope, and reconciliation. Not only of people to God but people to each other and of all creation being restored.  This message was radical, led to loving all kinds of people, and shattered peoples small conception of what God was supposed to do. 

This Is Where the Magic Happens (A sermon from Luke 14)

This Is Where the Magic Happens (A sermon from Luke 14)

This is where the real magic happens.  It’s where neighbors become friends, and friends become family. It’s where life is lived, tears are shed, humanity is revealed and grace is extended.  It’s where hours are spent and stories are shared. Again and again. It’s the most prayed over room in our home, it’s the place where our missional community gathers for renewal, repentance, and rejoicing.  We’ve planted churches around our table, seen marriages dissolve, and new couples start flirting.

The table is perhaps the most sacred space you have in your home- and that’s not just me talking. That’s Jesus. 

People With Wet Feet. (A Sermon From Joshua 3)

People With Wet Feet.  (A Sermon From Joshua 3)

When God’s Spirit shows up up miracles happen- BUT - you may have to get your feet wet first. 

Let me ask you: What is the journey of faith you’ve been called into together? For me I want this to be where I continue to walk, with wet feet, following the spirit into the places he alone can lead us into and out of. 

I want my days to be filled with this kind of faith, but what was faith before is now sight. He continually invites us into new places where we have to continually trust him.  The journey so far does not just repeat itself. 

God is inviting us into new spaces, forged by practicing ancient practices in our cultural moment.  Will we follow Him?

Me, Myself & Martha. (A Sermon From Luke 10)

Me, Myself & Martha. (A Sermon From Luke 10)

Listening to Jesus is a primary work of the disciple.  You won’t make disciples if you aren’t being a disciple, and you won’t be a disciple if you aren’t listening to Jesus.  All it takes is time to see if we are interested in following Jesus OR if we’ve been serving him to validate ourselves. We probably feel it before we can say it, but rather than love, joy peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, and self control bubbling out of our lives, we become increasingly irritable, busy, angry, jealous, and impulsive. 

The invitation tonight is nothing less than ReOrienting life back to the feet of Jesus with the intention of Listening to him. 

Forgiven. (A Sermon From Luke 7)

Forgiven. (A Sermon From Luke 7)

If our hearts aren’t filled with awe and gratitude, if we stay complacent in worship, if we don’t access the joy of our salvation, there may be many issues but one of them is definitely we aren’t seeing ourselves like the woman in this story. Someone who has been forgiven and released. If we saw ourselves as trapped in a prison, but then Jesus comes with the keys and let’s you out after 20 years, we be lifting your voice and your hands, tears would be streaming down your face, nothing would be held back.

Listen to this story and realize maybe for the 1st or 100th time that we are great sinners, but we have a great savior and because of him everything changes.

Abiding. Enduring. Hopeful.

Abiding. Enduring. Hopeful.

In this message Pastor Kevin Platt preaches on the three prayerful expectations we have for Missio Dei Mesa over 2019. Each of these prayerful expectations press us closer to our King and forge friendships binding together on Mission. Listen in as we talk through what we think following the Holy Spirit could look like over the next year.

When an Angel put you in timeout: A Sermon from Luke

When an Angel put you in timeout: A Sermon from Luke

Even more than the passive comments from others is the incessant inner voice that tells her she is not enough. Can you see yourself in this story?

Is it because of the life you used to live, the failures of this week, the echoes of parents and friends who told you you were lacking, not quite enough. And you never would be. Hear the voice of the Spirit affirming the promises proven true in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus- you may not enough on your own, But you are loved.  

The gospel is not that you need to clean yourself up, get rid of your disgrace, and then God will bless you.  But that in your messiness, Jesus himself has taken on your disgrace to give you new life. Jesus is more than enough and he speaks a better word over you.  He didn’t just come for the lonely, lost, left out, and hurting- he came especially for the lonely lost, leg out and hurting. He has taken away your reproach and renewed your calling in God’s world.  Find hope, the Lord has remembered. Find purpose, he has given you a role in his story. Find some time, Prepare your heart for the return of the king.

The True Story of Jesus: A Sermon From Luke

The True Story of Jesus: A Sermon From Luke

We start our Advent series with a stirring reminder of the Story of God is not a set of ideas, but events that have been accomplished and those that have yet to happen. The True Story of Jesus welcomes skeptics and stirs the hearts of those who follow Jesus. We pray this sermon from Luke 1 is used by the Spirit to point you towards Jesus and better equip you to play your role in God’s story.