July Week 2- We Are Disciples

We are committed to the process of being formed by God, together, for the sake of others. We believe this takes place as we take up our role as active participants in God’s story following Jesus to make disciples.

Our prayer is that this guide helps us remember our identity as disciples of Jesus and prompts creativity and renewed conviction for following Jesus. I’m struck by the incredible honor and joy it is to to enjoy his presence and participate in his redemptive mission today! Mind blowing that Jesus chose us. And so humbling knowing He is still with us. So… what’s next? Watch this short video and then spend some time processing the questions that follow.

Before you jump to this weeks discussion though…

How did you do in following through on what you felt God calling you to last week?


  • What have some of your “from now on” moments with Jesus been?

  • Have you made committments to Jesus, his church, and his mission? How was the last 6 months of living those out?

  • Listen for God’s Voice: Pause and ask Are there any areas of your life (relationships, hobbies, patterns) that dull your affections for Jesus? As we follow Jesus and not our own whims, we need to know what we are turning from in order to turn towards Jesus!

  • Every follower of Jesus is both a disciple of Jesus and a disciplemaker with Jesus. So.. Are our lives currently oriented around making disciples of others? Who in your life are you purposefully leading to follow Jesus?

  • Are we currently living in accountable relationships with other followers of Jesus? (Accountable, Present, and Prioritizing time with the family of God.) What joys have we found there? What barriers exist? What will we do with that tension?

  • Listen for God’s Voice: Spend some time in Spirit dependent prayer. Asking him for wisdom, power, giftings, direction, provision… as it comes to mind. Then listen to him and see how he wants to lead you.

  • What’s next: In light of what you’ve heard from God’s word, God’s spirit, and maybe even God’s community- what is your next step of enjoying and obeying Jesus?