We are committed to the process of being formed by God, together, for the sake of others. We believe this takes place as we take up our role as active participants in God’s story following Jesus to make disciples.
The following guide is meant to help you in your journey of learning to hear God’s voice. We are highlighting a teaching by Koral Lorenson and the hearing God’s Voice in His Word tool from our Practices of the People of God. Watch the video and then spend some time processing the questions we’ve listed below to help you continue to practice hearing God’s voice. It is a wild reality that we get to speak and listen to the Creator God!
Before you jump to this weeks discussion though… How did you do in following through on what you felt God calling you to last week?
Ok. Let’s go…
Our Father- What do you think your Father wants to say to you right now? Practice silence and listen for his voice. Write down what you hear him saying to you.
Your Kingdom Come- Pray asking Jesus for his kingdom to come in your life, home, and neighborhood and God’s will to be done there as in heaven. Pray expectantly and boldly knowing that God invites you into his presence and loves having these conversations with you.
Give us today our Daily Bread- What needs are you experiencing today that you need God to sustain you in? What are you asking him to provide?
What’s next: In light of what you’ve heard from God’s word, God’s spirit, and maybe even God’s community- what will prayer look like this week?