“The Story of God may be the best thing we do for discipleship in our church….”
Why do we do the Story of God? Short answer- it's one of the best tools we have for learning who God is and what it looks like to live faithfully in his world.
Longer answer: Alasdair MacIntyre offers a clue for why we do these day long immersions when he says, “I can only answer the question ‘What am I to do?’ if I can answer the prior question ‘Of what story do I find myself a part?’” These questions can only be answered from within a story. Thankfully, the Bible offers us just that all-encompassing all-of-life Story. And this is the Story that everyone, both followers of Jesus and those who follow something other than Jesus, need to hear, know, and experience. Again and again.
We’ve seen this environment for telling the True Story helpful in both individuals processing the gospel story and often serves as the building blocks of new communities. Whether you are new to following Jesus, been a disciple for years, or are just starting to ask the first questions of “could this all be real?” This experience is for you!
We’ve watched as the Spirit brings new life to new disciples and those who have followed Jesus for years, but grown cold in their affections. We’ve watched new missional communities form, new businesses launch, and new churches be planted as followers of Jesus begin to ask, “What story am I a part of?” before asking, “What am I to do?” Above all, we’ve been changed as we rehearse and reorient in this Story.
Would you considering investing one day in dialogue that will bear fruit for years in discipleship? Consider yourself invited to the Story of God. Want to learn how to lead this Story in your own context? Come and learn with us and we’ll help equip you to lead your own!
Our next one is September 25th 9am-4pm. RSVP Below!