July Week 5- Imagine what God Could Do.

We are committed to the process of being formed by God, together, for the sake of others. We believe this takes place as we take up our role as active participants in God’s story following Jesus to make disciples.

We hope this guide helps stir up your affections, your memory and your imagination for what God could do in and through you as part of a Missio Community. This week builds on the previous three reflections you’ve already done. As a refresher:

So far in July we’ve …

  • Paid attention to what God is up to in our own hearts and in our community right now.

  • Reoriented in our identity as disciples of Jesus

  • Continued learning how to hear God’s voice as his beloved children.

  • Been in awe once again of the scope and splendor of the Mission of God.

  • And now we are looking at how we as disciple makers are taking up our role in God’s story.

Now you are invited to watch this short video and then spend some time exercising your kingdom imagination AND listen to the voice of God for how he may be calling you to start or join up with a Missio Community sent as disciples to make disciples together.

Before you jump to this weeks discussion though… How did you do in following through on what you felt God calling you to last week? Was it a meditation? An act of kindness? A rhythm shift? A sin to put to death? Ok. Let’s jump into this week. It’s a short video, then some dialogue to follow!

Keep Processing:

We only had a 10 minute video this week so we’ve got plenty of time to keep dreaming and processing. Whether you are on your own with a cup of coffee and a journal or in a living room with some friends, don’t rush these questions, but listen to the voice of God for what he may be speaking to you.

  • Creativity Practice: Put five minutes on a timer and then come up with as many networks, neighborhoods, or places that you know of in Mesa (or your city) that could use a gospel people purposefully sent to make disciples and bring the good news of the kingdom!

  • When you think of shared life and disciple making in a MC… What excites you? What gives you reservation? What is Jesus speaking to you in the midst of those feelings?

  • Imagination: If God called you to start a MC (or even join with a new startup MC as a teammate) what would be your biggest barrier to saying “Yes?”

  • Listen for God’s Voice: Spirit, breath of the living God, what work are you doing in me right now that you want to also do through me?

  • Listen for God’s Voice: Jesus where are you already at work in my network of friends or neighborhood? How do you want me to join with you in that work?

  • Listen for God’s Voice: Father, would you remind me that I do not work for you as a hired hand, but am fully loved by you as a child, filled with your Spirit, and will never be left alone- Jesus is still with me.

  • What’s next: In light of what you’ve heard from God’s word, God’s spirit, and maybe even God’s community- what is your next step of obedience in following Jesus?