Missio Dei Commiunities
We are equipping men, women, and children who are learning to follow Jesus (be disciples) and who lead others to do the same (make disciples.) Our Missio Communities are extended spiritual families who are being formed by God, together, for the sake of others. We send out Missio Communities (MC’s) is to continue declaring and demonstrating the gospel of Jesus and then resource our MC’s to faithfully take up their role in God’s story wherever they are called.
So What is the gospel?
A simple definition of the gospel is the good news that the reign of God has broken into human history through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. (Mark 1.14-16)
Something to Remember
The gospel os not just good news about individual salvation or a future heavenly destination, but it's about the inauguration of God's kingdom on Earth. (Google “NT Wright Kingdom of God” to get some more of this goodness of the kingdom.) The events of the gospel simultaneously challenge the prevailing powers and systems AND invite people to participate in the Mission of God (Missio Dei.) Jesus’ reign brings justice, reconciliation, and the flourishing of God's creation. Not just some day. But today. And we get to join Jesus in that work while we await his return to finally and fully set things right. (I Cor 15) How incredible is that?
Three Implications for Our MC’s
That’s a big invitation though. So we want to break it down into three bite size pieces for women, men, and kids all across our MC’s.
We want our Missio Communities to embrace this gospel and live it out in our daily lives. So what if we committed to speaking the good news to one other person in our MC each week?
We want our communities to embody the transformative power of God's kingdom here and now. So what if we committed to praying for God’s transformative power to show up in our everyday experiences? Interviews? Parenting Struggles? Experiencing Bullying? Foster Care? Lonliness? Rent increase? Let’s be specific and pray “your kingdom come, your will be done in ____ as it is in heaven.” After all, it’s how Jesus taught us to pray.
We deeply desire more of our neighbors and friends across our networks to join us in participating in the kingdom life right now. So what if we committed to speaking the good news to one other person in our neighborhood or network of friends each week?
Some Simple tools.
We don’t have a master plan, but we have some helpful tools and resources that help keep us practicing the ways of Jesus, led by the Spirit, and alongside one another.
Here are a few of them.