“Don’t forget what Jesus Just Said To You.”
This was the reminder from last night. Each time we sit with Jesus, His words, and His people there is so much kingdom potential. The sparks of creativity, the inklings of wonder, the tension of conviction, they are all gifts from Jesus himself. Don’t let them slip away.
Here’s some questions to consider as you contemplate next steps?
Was there anything said that still discomforts me? Don’t avoid discomfort but sit with it a bit.
Was there a next step that Jesus invited me into? Write it down as clear as you can.
Is there anyone else that I should tell this to? Write down their names and follow up.
Do I feel like this is a word for my MC as well? Connect with your MC leadership team about some space to share with them.
Jesus is Lord.
We are the Church.
We are sent as disciples who make disciples.