For 15 years we’ve made, matured, and multiplied disciples as Missio Dei Communities utilizing #blessrhythms. Each rhythm is purposefully simple, tangible, and reproducible in any context in the world. That’s not because we are so creative (we got them from Tim Chester) BUT because they come straight from the Story God himself tells in His Word. Each is a rhythm for life in the kingdom of God alongside the people of God who are sent together as part of the mission of God.
As an extended spiritual family of Missio Communities - We want to live into the calling of Jesus to be salt and Light in any culture, network, or neighborhood we are in. And this helpful acronym reminds us what this looks like as a community.
Because the gospel is good news that changes what we know in our heads AND who we are (our hearts) AND how we live (our hands.) This is the same whole life apprenticeship to Jesus that has been the call of the people of God since the beginning. And the people of our church have actively been following Jesus in these rhythms as hundreds of MC’s have taken shape. This is the work we believe the Spirit is guiding and we are continuing to walk in these simple, but beautiful rhythms of grace.
So… As you are making disciples these rhythms give shape to shared life and worship!