In August at our Missio Mesa Sending Sunday gathering, we discussed one way we plan to love and empower leaders at Missio Dei Communities is with the gift of rest, by arranging sabbaticals every 7 years for full time ministers within Missio Dei Communities. We announced that we’d be starting by providing one for Kevin in 2025, and would get you more information if you’d like to help us raise the funds for that time away from regular rhythms of work..
If you want to take part in funding this gift for the Platts, you can access that via the giving portal on our Church center web page or app. On the giving page, when selecting the congregation dropdown, please click “Mesa Sabbaticals”. (Or Just Click Here)
We plan to keep the giving platform open for the Platt’s sabbatical through the middle of December. That way they know what funds they will have to work with and can plan accordingly.
Thank you for your generosity to the Missio family and all networks of people that we have been sent to.
Missio Mesa, you are loved!
Mike Zins
(on behalf of Missio’s Leadership Teams)
Some More Details:
Kevin and the Platt family will be having their first sabbatical from May - July 2025.
He will still receive a salary from Missio Mesa during this time, but in order to retreat, rest, reflect, renew before re-engaging back with the Missio family, there are additional expenses that will be incurred by their family in order to do this well. Instead of having this be a burden, we are asking people to consider being a part of this gift of rest by donating to the Platts for the Sabbatical. In the future Missio Dei Communities will be allocating a small portion of their budget for future sabbatical needs.
Our hope and prayer is this also serves as a reminder to us all - our identity is not based on our performance, what we do, but it is based on Jesus and what He has done on our behalf. May we continue to rest in confidence in that, and then continue being formed by God, together, for the sake of others out of the rest and love He has given us and by the power of His Spirit!