A Confession For Week 1 of Advent


O God, we confess that we are a people in waiting.

Like Israel in exile, we long for your presence to be made known among us.

We have wandered in darkness, grasping for hope in things that cannot save.



O come, O come, Emmanuel, and ransom your people.

Forgive us for the ways we have sought comfort over calling,

and security over sacrificial love.



You have called us to join in your mission of redemption,

to bring good news to the poor, bind up the brokenhearted,

and proclaim freedom for the captives.



Yet we confess that we have been slow to respond.

We have not loved as you love.

We have not given as you give.

We have not gone where you have sent us.



But you are faithful, O God.

In your mercy, you draw near to us, even in our failure.

You free us from sin and invite us to follow you anew.



Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to us!

Forgive us, transform us, and send us out with courage and joy.

May we carry your light into the world,

living as witnesses to your kingdom that is here and still to come.



Come, Lord Jesus.

Renew us as your people,

that we may glorify you and bring hope to all nations.



Amen. Come, Emmanuel.