
Rhythms of Disciples: Bless

Rhythms of Disciples: Bless

As Jesus calls us to follow him and his Kingdom, we see there are clear rhythms and practices his disciples live out. These are not how one becomes a disciple or how a disciple proves belonging to the Kingdom, but rather an outpouring of being with and like Jesus.

We use the acronym B.L.E.S.S. (Bless, Listen, Eat, Speak, Sabbath) to encourage one another to engage in the rhythms and practices of Kingdom living. This first week we examined how we have been blessed to be a blessing to others.

Seeking Treasure (plus Commissioning MC's)

Seeking Treasure (plus Commissioning MC's)

This Sunday we shared a meal together while we looked at the parable of the hidden treasure Jesus told in Matthew 13. Plus, we commissioned our MC’s and sent one another out as ambassadors of Jesus and his Kingdom.

Note: Since we did not keep the recording of praying over each of our MC’s and hearing the stories of what God is doing in them, the audio for this may seem like it jumps around a bit.

All the Small Things

All the Small Things

Jesus said the Kingdom of God is like a little yeast in a lot of dough, or a mustard seed growing into a large tree for birds to nest in. Hyperbole? Maybe. But the point seems to be that God’s Kingdom is surprising and beautiful nourishing life can grow out of unexpected places — and that growth is for the sake of others.

Money Bags

Money Bags

Jesus gave a lot of pictures of what the Kingdom of God is like, or will be like when it comes in full. One of those images was a story of a master who entrusted his servants with different amounts of money while he went away. What they did with it exposed something about their trust and partnership with the master’s work, but even more, Jesus’ story exposes something about the multiplying nature of God’s Kingdom.

Walking on Water

Walking on Water

In Matthew 14 we look at an iconic scene where Jesus walks on water to meet his disciples as they rowed across the sea in a storm. How could he defy physics in such a way? Jesus was displaying the full power of the Creator, in the flesh of a man. And what’s perhaps even crazier is that he invites a regular human to come and follow him out there.



Jesus not only called people to follow him as disciples, but he also sent them out to bring good news to others. This was a group of people who would otherwise not have much to do with one another, if it weren’t for Jesus. It was also a group of people who would otherwise not have much authority or presence in the places they went. But with Jesus, they were formed into a community and sent with the power and authority of Jesus, for the sake of others.

Who's the Judge?

Who's the Judge?

You've got something in your eye.

Pointing the finger at another's fault or shortcoming comes naturally to us. It was the first response of the first man and woman when God approached them in the garden after their rebellion. 'It was the woman'. 'No, it was the serpent'. Jesus has some wisdom for us when it comes to pointing fingers.

Love Your Enemies

Love Your Enemies

You’ve heard the phrase “Love your neighbor”, but was Jesus really serious when he said we are to love our enemies? This countercultural and counterintuitive way of Jesus is not only exemplified in his life and death, but it is also an expectation on those who would call themselves his followers. But how can we do this?

Oaths and Vows

Oaths and Vows

Ever broken a promise? Ever had someone break a promise to you? Jesus seemed to think this was a pretty big deal. But why did it matter enough to put up there alongside murder, sex, and the tearing apart of households? Could it really be that any time we are not true to our word that is ‘from the evil one’? How can we even have hope of being more honest, reliable, and faithful with our words?