
The Lost Sons

The Lost Sons

When Jesus was confronted by religious leaders about why he was spending time with sinners, he told three stories: a parable of a lost sheep, a parable of a lost coin, and a parable of lost sons. The story tells of a wayward younger son who runs from home and lives recklessly without regard to his family, and an older son who stays home working and following all the rules in order to get what he wants. Yet, both sons are equally lost. The difference is one son comes to his senses and back to the father.

The Call of the Inn Keeper

The Call of the Inn Keeper

Many of us are familiar with the story Jesus told of the Good Samaritan. Who do you picture yourself as in that story? The man who gets beaten and robbed, left for dead? The ones who pass by on the other side of the road to avoid the mess? The Samaritan who cares for him? Could it be that Jesus himself has taken on the role of the Good Samaritan, and our role is found in one other character in the story who often gets forgotten?