
Adam, Eve, and the Seed

Adam, Eve, and the Seed

Since the very beginning of the true story of the world, God's people have been waiting for the coming of their Rescuer. In the garden, a promise was given that he would one day come. And not only would he come from some far off place, but God would use the man and woman themselves to partner with his coming. All these years later, we have both seen him come and we wait again for him to return. We are a people of advent.

The Serpent Crusher

The Serpent Crusher

Advent is a season of waiting expectantly. It’s a waiting that is rooted in hope. And hope is not empty wishing, but something founded in a promise and assured with evidence. At the very beginning of the True Story of the world, humans rebel against their intended purpose of creation. But immediately after, they are given a promise, and that promise is accompanied with assurance, that one day there would be a Rescuer to come and make things right. As we enter into this Advent season leading up to Christmas, may we remember that we too live in a real Advent, waiting, longing, and hoping for this same Rescuer to return to the world and finally and fully make all things right.

A Certain Savior

A Certain Savior

This is the week! We’ve spent all month pointing toward the coming King Jesus, and this week we celebrate that he did indeed come. The God of the universe, the Creator of all things, the King of everything, has come into this world. He has come to you and I. He has come to rescue. It's our prayer that you would see the beautiful rescue of Christmas this week - and that that is what would shine through all the excitement of presents and the hurriedness of our culture.